Monday, December 7, 2009
Update: Food Drive
Friday, December 4, 2009
Fiction: Fairy World
I was walking through the forest. I heard a noise behind me and it sounded like a roar. I turned around and saw nothing. I turned and ran for my life. I felt cold and I started to slide. Then I stopped sliding and it started to get warm.
I saw a door and as I turned the handle, I saw a fairy world. Then it began getting dark and so dark that I could not see a thing. I felt something weird on me. I realized that I was laying in a ball and as I sat up I heard a lot of “Hellos.” I said, “Hello” back and I heard everybody saying, “The Queen Fairy!” I saw lights floating and the queen fairy appeared. She said, “Welcome little one. Here, let me help you with your wings.” She touched my wings and they began to flutter. I began to fly up and down.
As soon as I landed, 18 mushrooms appeared. The fairies brought things from their groups on each mushroom. Three mushrooms disappeared. I asked, “What am I going to do?” The Queen Fairy said, “You will find your talent.”
I went to the tinker fairy talent. When I tried to grab it, it went down. I went to snowflake fairy talent. When I tried to grab it, it fell too. As I passed animal fairy talent, it came toward me. I touched the talent. A bright light shined and when the light stopped, a bird was sitting in my hands. I told the bird, “Flap your wings, little one. There you go, now faster and faster. Good, now fly up and I will fly with you.” The other animal fairies flew up with me. When the bird saw them, he got scared. I told him, ”Do not be afraid, little one. You are doing great.” He flew out of the tree. I called, “Bye bye.”
As soon as I landed, the Queen Fairy disappeared. I heard a voice saying, “Animal fairies meet Blue Jay.” The animal fairies brought me to my home. I have helped the main land for the longest time. Soon I meet Tinker Bell. Every day I would go to my fish friends because I would hear bubbles popping. That tells me that new things are on the island. I would get the things and give them to Tinker Bell, so that she can invent more tools for us to use.
Snow Day Shave Remains Undecided
Incredibles Field Trip to Washington D.C.
On October 30, 2009 the Incredibles team took a trip to our nation's capital, Washington D.C.
We went to the U.S. Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, and the American History Museum.
At the capitol building our team went to the new visitors' center which was pretty cool. We went into a theater which was pretty cool because it was just like an Imax theater.
So it was a pretty cool field trip and I loved it.
Food Drive Update
I got to interview Mr. Ruliffson about the canned food drive. I asked him a few questions:
How are we doing so far?
Pretty good
In the entire school , how many cans do we have total?